Category Archives: Interviews
My friend Chris is back! Where did you get the idea for this book? Was there a big moment of inspiration, or was it a slower process? Epicentre grew from the idea or image of a mermaid stalking a beach, looking for someone to drown and hating herself for doing it. I don’t remember where… {read more}

Fellow author Chris Andrews was kind enough to interview me on his blog for a second time, this time to talk about the final book of the Southern Star trilogy!

And in return for my interviewing him, Chris Andrews interviewed me!

Miss me? I know I did. I’ve just been interviewed by the lovely Tsana Dolichva as part of her Author Snapshot series of interviews!

My first foray into professional journalism – I’m so proud! Yes, that wombat seriously did try to eat my shoes. And my leg. I have photographic proof.

And the blog tour continues with an interview with Little Pink Crayon! They asked me what my favourite coloured crayon was. Meanwhile Voyager is holding a special contest, and the prizes are two stuffed toys designed and sewn by yours truly! The dragon is Syn from The Drachengott, and the demon is Snarl from Broken… {read more}

In which I make a bitter (if passing) reference to one of my childhood bullies.

Sharing Links and Wisdom has a chat with yours truly.

And my blog tour continues! A Guest blog post with Straight From Library A Guest Post On Fantasy World-Building An Interview With C A Milson

My blog tour has officially begun, and the first guest post is now live! Check it and get your chance to win a free copy!