Category Archives: News
I know it’s been a while since I posted anything here, but that doesn’t mean nothing has been happening! It just means I’m lazy and have been mostly posting updates on Facebook and Twitter because it’s faster. Anyway, so here’s where I’m at right now. My crime and sci-fi novels are being looked at by… {read more}

Fellow author Chris Andrews was kind enough to interview me on his blog for a second time, this time to talk about the final book of the Southern Star trilogy!

And in return for my interviewing him, Chris Andrews interviewed me!

And now for a guest interview from my friend and fellow author, Chris Andrews! Chris’s Facebook page Chris’s Amazon profile Character and Structure: An Unholy Alliance Chris’s Story Structure Diagram Chris’s Newsletter sign-up page What prompted you to sit down and write this book? I found most of the classic books on storytelling very… {read more}

I’m on Instagram at last. Right now it’s mostly pictures of my pets, but it’s a start.

Apologies for the lack of updates lately – until very recently I’ve been locked out of my own website (thanks for nothing, WordPress) and there hasn’t been too much of substance to report in any case. I’ll begin with the bad news. The bad news is that Burning Willow Press, the publisher which was handling… {read more}

The next book of the Cymrian Saga, The Silent Guard, has finally been released! (Print edition to follow). EDIT: The print edition is now available!

Hi everybody! Yes, I know I haven’t been posting much news lately. I am bad. But plenty is going on, trust me! Regular visitors may have noticed that the Drachengott quartet is no longer listed on the “About The Books” page. This is because the series has been temporarily withdrawn from sale since I acquired… {read more}