Great News!

Today I have some great news! It’s unrelated to my books, but it’s related to me, so I thought I may as well report it here, if only because I’m so happy about it.

In recent years, thanks partly to contact with some very inspirational people, I’ve harboured a dream of becoming an archivist. Well, today that dream came true. After a lot of hard work and endless applications, I have been given a job managing my very own archive, at my old highschool no less. Finally, the real job I’ve always wanted! It’s a proud day for Yours Truly.

Oh, and I did some writing today. In fact, that’s what I was doing when I got the call. Now, I shall be able to spend my time doing not one but two things I really love. Everything is coming up Katie!

EDIT: In a nice little coincidence, I got the phone call about the job while writing a scene set in a library. Life can be very strange sometimes.

Neato text ornament here