The Dark Griffin – Revisited

Today, in a ludicrous nine and a half hour marathon session, I typed up my Dark Griffin screenplay adaptation. I had already written the whole thing out by hand, so all I really needed to do was transcribe it, but I made some changes along the way. One of the good things about writing things out by hand first is that you get to edit them while you type them up. Unfortunately, I don’t usually have the patience to do it that way.

Something I particularly enjoyed about this project was that I got to retell the story of The Dark Griffin, and had the opportunity to update it in the process. It’s been about five years since I wrote the original novel, so naturally since then I’ve thought of plenty of things I wish I’d done differently – mistakes people have pointed out, and other things I’ve been dissatisfied with. It was annoying because I thought there was no way to fix any of it – but now that opportunity has finally come.

Anyway, I’m about to send off my finished screenplay, and we’ll see if anything comes of it. At least I enjoyed writing it. Now I just have to think of something to write next.

~KJT, suffering from an aching back but amazed that RSI has not set in after all

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