Author Archives: KJT

Today I watched Cloud Atlas. It’s one of the most beautiful movies I’ve ever seen, and I don’t just mean that it looks good (although it does). If you watch any movie this year, watch it. ~KJT, enjoying her new laptop.

Today my new laptop arrived, and boy is it beautiful. It’s got all the latest bells and whistles, including a blu-ray disc drive and a subwoofer. Not strictly necessary, but I figured since my laptop is the most important thing I own I may as well splash out.

…that the Welsh name for Wales is “Cymru”? And no, I did not know that when I named my country “Cymria” – it’s pure coincidence. I made the word “Cymria” up because I wanted something short, simple, and easy to pronounce. I will admit I briefly considered lying about it being a coincidence to make… {read more}

Today I watched Beautiful Creatures, the movie. It was a lot like Twilight, except that it was much better in just about every way. I can’t comment on how good of an adaptation it was because I haven’t read the books, but I certainly liked the movie. ~KJT, preparing to start book 12 and waiting… {read more}

Yesterday I finished writing book eleven in the series, which is titled The Serpent’s Coils. I timed myself again, and this time it took me two months and eight days to write the novel (last time it took exactly two months to the day). I think that’s enough proof for me to say with confidence… {read more}

I hate Valentine’s day. Always have. I’m not sure exactly why, since I’m a bit of a romantic at heart and normally seeing happy couples together makes me go “aw” and feel a bit wistful. Nevertheless, in the spirit of the occasion, here is a link to one of my favourite love songs from highschool.… {read more}

I’ve just now listed a new toy in my Etsy shop, Quirky Toys. It’s a rabbit from space – and he can be all yours!

Since my old LiveJournal no longer exists, I think it’s time I reposted this. It’s uncredited because I made it myself. Personally, I think it’s pretty funny.

Have you ever had a dream? Something you wanted so badly you were prepared to do just about anything to get it? I’m sure you have. Well, once I had a dream. It came to me some years ago, and I never gave up on it. I wanted it so much that I spent years… {read more}