Author Archives: KJT
And the blog tour continues with an interview with Little Pink Crayon! They asked me what my favourite coloured crayon was. Meanwhile Voyager is holding a special contest, and the prizes are two stuffed toys designed and sewn by yours truly! The dragon is Syn from The Drachengott, and the demon is Snarl from Broken… {read more}

Another stop on the blog tour! Voyager has also begun a competition, with two prizes I made myself!

In which I make a bitter (if passing) reference to one of my childhood bullies.

Sharing Links and Wisdom has a chat with yours truly.

And my blog tour continues! A Guest blog post with Straight From Library A Guest Post On Fantasy World-Building An Interview With C A Milson

My blog tour has officially begun, and the first guest post is now live! Check it and get your chance to win a free copy!

I remember my first dispute with an editor. She changed something in my manuscript without consulting me, and when I complained she refused to change it back. I yelled that she shouldn’t have changed it in the first place and was subsequently sent to the naughty corner because eight year olds aren’t supposed to shout… {read more}

A new interview with yours truly! I will also be shortly embarking on a blog tour to promote The Drachengott, so stay tuned!

My satirical novel, Broken Prophecy, is now on sale! Buy it now on Amazon Kindle, or Kobo – and for a very reasonable price. And yes, the coin flipping story is %100 true.