The End (Again)

Today I finished book twelve, The Serpent’s Bite, which is the final installment of the Eastern Horizon trilogy, aka trilogy number four. I finished it in about two and a half months, which is pretty good by my standards. It clocked in at 120, 618 words and 208 pages, though of course that might change if it’s ever published.

Statistics aside, finishing this book means that I have finally reached a point I’ve been building up to for about seven years: I am now ready to begin writing the fifth and final trilogy in the series, which as I’ve said here before is called The Falling Sky trilogy. Seven years of planning, and I can finally start. I’m very excited, and I intend to see to it that the series ends with a bang – or several. The ultimate ending to the entire series. Odd to think of, but I think it’ll be worth the wait.

Of course, I’m not expecting you to share my excitement at this point; if any of these books are ever published it won’t be for a long time. For now, the enjoyment is all mine. I’ll have to wait a while before I can pass it on. But there’ll be that to look forward to, at least.

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