Category Archives: The Site

Today is a very exciting day! Many of you will do doubt recall the amazing audio trailer for The Dark Griffin, made by Natalie Van Sistine and some of her friends. It was an entry in my Fan Creation Contest a year or so ago, and for obvious reasons (obvious once you’ve listened to it)… {read more}

As I said in my last post I’ve just added a new page to the site for short stories. Now I’m considering adding a second one, but I’ve decided to consult you, the viewers of this website. I’m considering adding a page for character portraits and descriptions. Would you be interested in such a page?… {read more}

It’s been a disgracefully long time, but I’ve finally updated the Fanart page and now it has quite a lot of art on it. I’ve credited wherever I knew the artist’s name, but if you see something of yours there and it’s uncredited, or incorrectly credited, please do let me know and I’ll fix it… {read more}

Hey everyone! Webmaster here. Let me tell you a story. I set out a long time ago (too long ago) to build Katie a website since she is now a super cool website so that she could have something more official than a LiveJournal. It got started just fine, and the site went up, but… {read more}

As you may have noticed, this site doesn’t have any content yet. In the meantime, my LiveJournal community, Griffin’s Eyrie, is still up and you can find it here: Please do stop by for the latest news, and the opportunity to talk to me, K.J.Taylor, if you have anything you want to say to… {read more}

Hi everybody, and welcome to my new official website! I know it’s a tad on the scrappy side right now, but don’t worry; it’s just not finished yet. But when it is there will be beautiful graphics, fan content, news posts and much more. Stay tuned!