The Fach and the Fawr

Today I adopted a second rat to be Puzzle’s cagemate. He’s also a male, of course, and where Puzzle is a teenager by rat standards, the new guy is just a baby. The size difference between them is pretty striking, which is why I’ve been referring to them as “the Fach and the Fawr”, which is Welsh for “the little and the big”. So far, though, the new guy doesn’t have a name. I’ve been thinking of calling him Enigma, but I don’t know if it really fits.

Anyone have any suggestions? Something that goes with Puzzle would be good, and nothing too cute.

So, can you guess which one is the little and which one is the big? It's a toughie!

So, can you guess which one is the little and which one is the big? It’s a toughie!

~KJT, whose shoulders are occupied again.

Neato text ornament here