Author Archives: KJT

I’m pleased to announce that the site now features a new page which I will be using to archive my short “prequel” stories, which were previously posted on my LiveJournal. Now that the LJ no longer exists, you’ll be able to read those stories here on the site. Only one has been uploaded so far,… {read more}

Having shown up in Big W, The Shadow’s Heir has now appeared in Target as well, and here’s the photographic proof!

Today I have some great news! It’s unrelated to my books, but it’s related to me, so I thought I may as well report it here, if only because I’m so happy about it. In recent years, thanks partly to contact with some very inspirational people, I’ve harboured a dream of becoming an archivist. Well,… {read more}

Attention, aspiring authors: Voyager, my Australian publisher, is going to be accepting unsolicited (ie. not submitted to them by an agent) manuscripts for two weeks next month. I highly recommend publishing through them; they’re one of the best publishers in the country, with a stable of very impressive names to their credit. And they treat… {read more}