Category Archives: Public Appearances
It’s official! The next book of The Cymrian Saga, The Last Guard, will be launched at Gleebooks in Sydney, on the 7th of October 2016, starting at 6:30pm. Everyone is welcome! And yes, there will be free food.
So April is over, and the cons are done with, and I can finally rest – and do some writing again, which is just as well, because the substantive edit for The Shadow’s Heart is due back this month. Three cons. Two Supanovas, and a Conflux/Natcon to follow. How do I sum it all up?… {read more}
As always, the speeches from the last launch party have been recorded and are now available for your listening pleasure.
Forget March – April is Crazy Month. So much has happened in it already that I haven’t had the time to post about it here, and I don’t have time to do it in detail now. So for the time being, a quick summary. The launch party on t he 8th went down very well… {read more}