Category Archives: Public Appearances

Launch Party!

It’s official! The next book of The Cymrian Saga, The Last Guard, will be launched at Gleebooks in Sydney, on the 7th of October 2016, starting at 6:30pm. Everyone is welcome! And yes, there will be free food.

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Yurt Sweet Yurt

So April is over, and the cons are done with, and I can finally rest – and do some writing again, which is just as well, because the substantive edit for The Shadow’s Heart is due back this month. Three cons. Two Supanovas, and a Conflux/Natcon to follow. How do I sum it all up?… {read more}

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Launch Speeches

As always, the speeches from the last launch party have been recorded and are now available for your listening pleasure.

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Home is Where the Heartless is

Forget March – April is Crazy Month. So much has happened in it already that I haven’t had the time to post about it here, and I don’t have time to do it in detail now. So for the time being, a quick summary. The launch party on t he 8th went down very well… {read more}

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