Category Archives: Fans
It’s official! The next book of The Cymrian Saga, The Last Guard, will be launched at Gleebooks in Sydney, on the 7th of October 2016, starting at 6:30pm. Everyone is welcome! And yes, there will be free food.

Listen to me read the first chapter of the next installment of the Cymrian Saga!

OK, gang, it’s time I posted this. One of my upcoming books, Tales of Cymria, is coming out in April of this year. It’s available only through pre-order, so if you don’t order a copy, you won’t get one. I’ll be signing them at the Melbourne Supanova Pop Culture Expo?. The first twenty people to… {read more}

Not only that, but really good fanart! Having received this last night, this morning I’m sitting on the edge of my chair, breakfast forgotten, about to run out the door to my writing place so I can get to work on the next book featuring Arenadd – rather than the one I’m supposed to be… {read more}

Well, it’s official. My birthday was yesterday, and I’m now 28 years old. The big 30, and the end of the series, loom ahead. Not menacingly, though; I’m more or less indifferent to the first, and excited about the second. For now, it’s time to put up the final set of questions for the final… {read more}

Two people have been lucky winners – who will be next? The first person to correctly answer these three questions will win the third free book code! What is Oeka the griffin’s power? What was the name of Arddryn Taranisäii the elder’s griffin partner? How many towers does the Malvern Eyrie have? Don’t be shy… {read more}

Well, it’s that time again. The Shadow’s Heart is only a month or two away from release, and as an early Christmas present for everybody, here are the customary teasers. Hopefully they’ll pique some interest! Five major characters will die Three children will be conceived, and two will be born We will find out more… {read more}

Long-time readers may recall the story I sometimes tell about how I got the idea for The Dark Griffin. But for those who never heard it, or who’ve forgotten, here is is again: Some years ago I went on a holiday to Tasmania – a place I’d always wanted to go. It’s a beautiful… {read more}

The launch is open to the public, so you don’t have to know me if you want to come. Just make sure to RSVP to the bookshop. I hope to see you there!