Just a reminder to everybody that the launch party for The Shadow’s Heir is tomorrow. Don’t miss out!

During my trip to Melbourne I made a rather exciting discovery, and I have photographic proof! For the first time ever, one of my books is being sold in airports – specifically, the Canberra and Melbourne ones, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re in all the airports in the country. Next stop, K-Mart!
ETA: I’m also Voyager’s Author of the Month!
- The Shadow’s Heir in a Melbourne Airport bookshop.

Iām now home from Melbourne, where I attended one of three Oz ComicCons, and had an absolute blast. Iād like to thank the Collins St Dymocks, who hosted the stall where I spent most of my time and signed a lot of books ā more than we expected, since we sold out of copies of The Dark Griffin on the first day!
Iād also like to thank the organisers, who really took good care of me and the other guests. Not only was lunch laid on for us in the Green Room, but they even organised for there to be Tim Tams for our overseas visitors (Tim Tams being a sadly unknown luxury item in America and possibly the UK as well), and went even further than that by getting the Melbourne Zoo to bring in some Australian animals. Those were also intended for our international visitors, but I went to see them anyway, and got to hold a giant snake, a Tawny Frogmouth owl, a ranbow lorikeet and an adorable fluffy dingo pup, which had a good old chew on my wrist.
I got to do a Q & A panel on the second day, which went very well ā a big thanks to the audience for helping along and asking some interesting questions (also thanks to them for not asking me where I get my ideas; I think we’re all a little tired of that one).
And finally, Iād like to give a shout out to my booth mate, artist Doug Holgate, who gave me a free print of one of his works! If you’re into comic books, be sure to check out his co-creation about the zombie Romans. It was very popular.
At the end of the con, the organisers asked me if I’d like to come back next year. I said I’d love to (rumour has it, so did Stan Lee – the fans will be very pleased about that! I just wish I’d taken the opportunity to ask him why the Prime Minister called and wanted to speak to him. Maybe she’s a big Spider-Man fan or something).

Me at the Dymocks booth, taken by a helpful cosplayer. They even let me keep the big poster behind me!

Now that the site is back up and running, I have an announcement to make. I keep a LiveJournal as well as this site, but I’ve now decided to get rid of the LiveJournal. It’s become redundant with the site up, and can’t do anything this site can. If you haven’t visited it before, I cross-posted almost everything from there to here, which is a good demonstration of the LiveJournal’s becoming unnecessary. Therefore, from today no new content will be posted to the LiveJournal and in one week’s time I will be deleting it.
One thing that was not cross-posted here, however, were the short stories I wrote to promote the release of the new book. I’m therefore pleased to announce that a new page for short stories will be added to the site. I will use this page to archive all the short stories I write, so they can be revisited at any time.
In the meantime, I am preparing a report on Melbourne ComicCon, so stay tuned for that.

As you will have noticed, the site has been down for several days and has only just become available again. Many, many apologies for that. It went down before I left for Melbourne, and I assumed it was just a temporary problem which would fix itself while I was away. When I came home, however, I found that the site was still down and that some settings needed to be fixed to bring it back. I did what needed to be done, but the changes took two days to go into effect.
In any case, the site is now back and I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience.

Hi everyone!
I’m pleased to announce that this Friday I’m heading to Melbourne, to attend Oz ComicCon. I’ve delayed announcing this fact recently so I could simultaneously announce what public appearances I would be making, but now I have that information, here you go!
The con goes for two days – Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday I will be hosting the K.J.Taylor panel on Stage 3, from 12pm to 1pm. By the looks of it, the panel will consist of just me by myself, so if you’re going to be at the con feel free to come by. Even if you haven’t read any of my books, I’m sure I can find something interesting to say to you.
I’ve also been informed that I’ll be doing a signing at some point, though at the moment I don’t know when.