Author Archives: KJT
As some of you may recall, The Dark Griffin is also available in the Czech Republic. It’s my favourite edition, largely thanks to the truly spectacular illustrations. It doesn’t just have the best cover; it’s also got full-page pictures inside. Needless to say I was very happy when the Czech publisher, Zoner Press, bought the… {read more}

Today I graduated from the University of Canberra, and officially became a Master of Information Studies. Here is a picture of me looking goofy in the obligatory robe and silly hat. ~KJT, sporting a second degree and a shiny new pocket watch.

I’m pleased to announce that, at long last, I’ve come up with titles for the final three books in the series! Only working titles, of course, but I’m happy with them anyway. As you may already know, the final trilogy (trilogy number five, to be exact) is called The Falling Sky trilogy. The individual books… {read more}

The launch is open to the public, so you don’t have to know me if you want to come. Just make sure to RSVP to the bookshop. I hope to see you there!

So the Adelaide ComicCon is now over, and I’m home recuperating. And I can now happily say that I’ve been to every Australian capital city at least once – and I admit that’s actually why I chose to go to the Adelaide ComicCon; because I’d never been to Adelaide before. I had a really good… {read more}

This weekend I’m going to be at the Oz ComicCon held in Adelaide. I’ll be signing books and appearing on two panels with fellow author Sean Williams. I’ll also get to hang out with my friend Doug Holgate the comic book artist again – always a bonus! For more info, nip over to the shiny… {read more}

Night Owl Reviews has written up a very nice notice about Shadow’s Heir. I don’t know why they referred to it as part of a “paranormal series”, mind you – I would have thought that label would be more appropriate for something involving werewolves, but there you go, I guess.

As a quick glance at the menu bar will show, I have just added a new page to the site which provides a handy-dandy list of all my upcoming public appearances. It should make things a bit easier for people. I have not had a very good day. My shiny new laptop turned out to… {read more}

In case you were wondering, that’s a reference to an old-timey Australian song in which the singer, er, has a friend named Duncan. Anyway, as it happens I also have a friend named Duncan – specifically, my fellow Voyager author Duncan Lay, who I believe I’ve mentioned here before. We’ve met several times and we… {read more}