Author Archives: KJT
Well, it took a while but here it is – the speeches from the launch of The Shadow’s Heir. First comes my friend Jack’s launching speech, and then my own. Click here to watch ’em on YouTube!

As mentioned earlier, I’ve recently come back from a short trip to Sydney. I had a great time – saw Batman Rises in IMAX, and on opening day no less. I love these new Batman movies; the Nolan brothers are men after my own heart. I also, while slightly lost in Glebe, came across this.

I’m not going to sugarcoat it: it’s a tough time to be an author right now. Publishing a book has always been difficult, but in recent years it’s gotten much harder even for people who were already published. Therefore, it gives me even greater pleasure than usual to announce that my good friend Ingrid Jonach… {read more}

It’s been a disgracefully long time, but I’ve finally updated the Fanart page and now it has quite a lot of art on it. I’ve credited wherever I knew the artist’s name, but if you see something of yours there and it’s uncredited, or incorrectly credited, please do let me know and I’ll fix it… {read more}

Just for fun, I thought I’d make a list of our hero/villain’s numerous crimes. Lady Elkin had quite a lot to go through at the beginning of Griffin’s War, and this was before the war. Let me know if I missed anything out – either way, I don’t think there’s a court that would try… {read more}

Next week I’m going to Sydney, to catch up with various people. If you’d like to be one of those people, I’m going to be at the Dymocks on George St at 12pm Friday 20th. It’s not a formal event; I’m just going to be there, so if you want to say hello or get… {read more}

I generally avoid reading reviews of my works, because they make me feel self-conscious and that makes it harder to concentrate when Iām trying to write. But, occasionally, I do read one ā most of the time because someone points me to it. And every now and then I read something that makes me think.… {read more}

As always, I’m pleased to announce that I have now acquired some copies of The Shadow’s Heir and have now placed a copy for sale on eBay. It’s significantly discounted, and will be personally signed to the buyer. Click here to bid on it now!

I’m pleased to report that the launch of The Shadow’s Heir, held this evening, was a rousing success. Pictures and recordings of the speeches will be made available shortly. Also, my personal LiveJournal has now been deleted along with the old community Griffins_Eyrie. All news will now be exclusively posted here.

Just a reminder to everybody that the launch party for The Shadow’s Heir is tomorrow. Don’t miss out!