Author Archives: KJT

The Great and Mighty K.J.Taylor!

A Landmark

During my trip to Melbourne I made a rather exciting discovery, and I have photographic proof! For the first time ever, one of my books is being sold in airports – specifically, the Canberra and Melbourne ones, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re in all the airports in the country. Next stop, K-Mart! ETA:… {read more}

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Oz ComicCon

Iā€™m now home from Melbourne, where I attended one of three Oz ComicCons, and had an absolute blast. Iā€™d like to thank the Collins St Dymocks, who hosted the stall where I spent most of my time and signed a lot of books ā€“ more than we expected, since we sold out of copies of… {read more}

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Goodbye LiveJournal, Hello New Page

Now that the site is back up and running, I have an announcement to make. I keep a LiveJournal as well as this site, but I’ve now decided to get rid of the LiveJournal. It’s become redundant with the site up, and can’t do anything this site can. If you haven’t visited it before, I… {read more}

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As you will have noticed, the site has been down for several days and has only just become available again. Many, many apologies for that. It went down before I left for Melbourne, and I assumed it was just a temporary problem which would fix itself while I was away. When I came home, however,… {read more}

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ComicCon – Melbourne Style!

Hi everyone! I’m pleased to announce that this Friday I’m heading to Melbourne, to attend Oz ComicCon. I’ve delayed announcing this fact recently so I could simultaneously announce what public appearances I would be making, but now I have that information, here you go! The con goes for two days – Saturday and Sunday. On… {read more}

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Come to My Launch Party!

Well, the book will be out in a matter of weeks and we all know what that means – it’s party time! The launch party for The Shadow’s Heir will be open to the public. Anyone can come, as long as they RSVP. You don’t have to be personally invited, or know me personally. The… {read more}

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Today my Australian publisher contacted me with a surprising request: they want to release a large print version of The Shadow’s Heir for the visually impaired. Naturally, I said yes. If only my great-grandfather was alive to see it (he died before I ever got published, but he’s the only guy I ever met who… {read more}

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Skyrim Sweetroll

Did I mention that I love Skyrim? Well, I do. And today, since the weather is absolutely foul, I took some time out to do some baking and made… this! (Dagger added for scale/authenticity/cutting it up) I used this recipe here, and it turned out very tasty. I also briefly considered putting an “arrow in… {read more}

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They’re Here!

Even though I was meant to be somewhere today, this morning I woke up with an odd feeling that I should stay at home. So I did, and not half an hour later, a parcel arrived on my doorstep. And inside were… The first copies of The Shadow’s Heir! So today, instead of my usual… {read more}

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The Shadow’s Heir Cover and Teasers

Well, this is it everybody. The time has come. It is now June, and in about four week’s time The Shadow’s Heir, the first installment in The Risen Sun Trilogy, and also the fourth instalment in the series overall, will become available in Australia and New Zealand. The US edition will follow in January 2013.… {read more}

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