Author Archives: KJT
Well, I finished the first stage of editing on book five, The Shadowed Throne. Good to have that one out of the way! Editing is exciting the first time, but do it enough times and it just turns into work – like most things in life, I would imagine. But finishing it always puts me… {read more}

Tonight I watched We Need to Talk About Kevin, a movie so sobering I could have slammed down a bottle of scotch in the cinema, and walked out legal to drive (that is, if I’d ever learned how to drive in the first place. It’s still illegal to be drunk in charge of a bicycle,… {read more}

You ever get that feeling like you’re not really in control of your existence? Like you’re stuck being you and living your boring life whether you like it or not? Ever wanted to be someone else? Well, sadly this isn’t the universe of Being John Malkovitch (love that movie, and I found the soundtrack at… {read more}

Today, at about 2pm in my favourite cafe, I finally completed book eight, The Silent Guard! Book two of the third trilogy, The Southern Star. Now I suppose it’s on to book nine, which doesn’t have a title yet. I think I’ll finish the short story I’m on first, though. And I just got the… {read more}

I knew about this some weeks ago, but now it’s been publicly announced I think it’s time I said something about it myself. Stephanie Smith, the head of Voyager and the lady who was instrumental in getting The Fallen Moon published in Australia, and following that The Risen Sun as well, has resigned. She’s been… {read more}

Well, with not much else happening at the moment, here’s a challenge for you. Recently, I unearthed a mix CD that I made years ago and hadn’t listened to in a very long time. On it, I found a handful of tracks which I recognised, but couldn’t identify. All I could remember is that they’re… {read more}

Hi everybody. Well, I had some news from my Australian publisher today, which I think you’ll like. But first, a quick lesson in publishing! You all know what a paperback book is, I’m sure. Well, what you may not know is that there are three different sizes of paperback novel – A format, B format,… {read more}

Well, it’s been a while since we’ve seen one of these: an actual piece of actual news! To do with the actual books! I’ve now signed the contract for the American edition of the second trilogy, but for unknown reasons the release dates weren’t included. I made an enquiry, and can now inform you that… {read more}

Hey guys. I don’t usually do this, but I’m going to now: if you’re looking for something good to read, then I recommend the Gone series by Michael Grant (co-creator of the Animorphs series which I adored as a child, by the way. I’ve always loved shapeshifters). It’s a YA series, but incredibly dark –… {read more}

Hey guys. That was a pretty cool mask, huh? I gotta get around to hanging it up. I also have to stop playing Skyrim until the small hours of the morning, but oh well. Anyway, the university semester is about to go back so I’ll soon be busy with studying again. Not as busy as… {read more}