Author Archives: KJT
And now for something more cheerful: some pictures of a cool ceremonial Northerner’s wolf mask I made! It even fits! It’s just too bad I forgot to put any eyeholes in it. Ah well.

Hey there everyone, and Happy Australia Day! There was a much longer posting here originally, but I have decided to remove it for decency’s sake. Basically, the short version was that I explained how Cymria, like my own country, was originally inhabited by a different race – until the ancestors of its current occupants arrived… {read more}

Hi everyone. Here’s a question I thought I’d put to you, since you’re the people who read my books. I’ve been considering doing a trilogy with a griffin as the protagonist. There would be human co-stars, but the main character would be a griffin. It’s definitely true that, generally speaking, readers like my griffin characters… {read more}

Since it was my birthday recently, here’s a small treat for you. And by a treat, I mean a couple of pictures I drew. But one of them is a sneak preview! To wit: If you read Bran the Betrayer, then you’ve met baby Laela. Here’s a picture of her when she’s a good bit… {read more}

Today is my 26th birthday! I’m hoping to get the new Nightwish album. Maybe that’ll inspire more books. 😀

And finally, as promised, the remaining contest entries! Wanamore This is the other entry that came without art, so again, I drew some! Wanamore once fought in an Arena, so I added shackles to his legs. I would like to introduce you to Wanamore, a 26 year old Griffin that makes his home on the… {read more}

That’s right; the decision is made and you didn’t have to wait nearly as long this time! Unfortunately my fellow judge from last time seems to have gone missing, but I had her comments on each entry to go on and those were a help. But all in all the runners up were chosen by… {read more}

Yo everyone. I know I said I would be posting up the other entries for the contest, but unfortunately someone was foolish enough to buy me a copy of Skyrim for Christmas, so… yeah. Time kind of slips away, you know? Anyway, there’s still one other thing to be done before the other entries go… {read more}

Well! Finally the time has come to announce the three winners of the Design Your Own Griffin Contest, here at! And let me tell you, this was not an easy contest to judge. We had some absolutely fantastic entries for this contest, and some amazing artwork as well. I confess I was pleasantly… {read more}

Me! Among others, to whom I offer my congratulations! Also, entries for the Design a Griffin Contest close today, and the three winners will be announced shortly.