Author Archives: KJT
We all know that September the 11th is an important date, and a solemn one as well. And even though I was only fifteen when 9/11 became, well, 9/11, I remember it very well today, and I think I always will. But from now on I’ll have another, much happier reason to remember September the… {read more}

Today is my mother’s birthday, so of course I made her a cake. It took hours of work, but the results were so spectacular I just have to share them. So here it is from the outside, looking OK but nothing that special: But once it was cut, all was revealed. And… {read more}

Life is all about beginnings and endings. Very soon I shall be facing an important new beginning: next week I’m going to move into my new home, and finally become fully independent. It’s a big step for anyone to make; I’ve heard it called one of the most stressful events of a person’s life, and… {read more}

As some people already know, I generally don’t read reviews of my work. There are a few reasons for that. One is that they’re a distracting influence when I’m writing (back in the day, little snippets of reviews used to pop into my head while I was trying to work). Another is that, since they’re… {read more}

So Book Week is over, and the last event was a good one. Now I can relax and get on with some other pressing matters, such as a certain project I’ve just become involved with (full description of that to come). I’m also expecting the manuscript for book six, The Shadow’s Heart, to arrive next… {read more}

Book Week, an event run by the Children’s Book Council of Australia, is one of the highlights of my year. It means a week of visiting schools to do talks and workshops, mixing with other authors, and finding out who won the Book of the Year awards. It’s hard work, but it’s a lot of… {read more}

This afternoon, at about 2:18pm, I finished writing book fourteen, which is currently titled The Final War. It clocked in at 201 pages and 116,777 words. In spite of a couple of hiatuses I managed to finish it in less than the standard two months – I began it at the end of June, and… {read more}

Long-time readers may recall the story I sometimes tell about how I got the idea for The Dark Griffin. But for those who never heard it, or who’ve forgotten, here is is again: Some years ago I went on a holiday to Tasmania – a place I’d always wanted to go. It’s a beautiful… {read more}

Today I did something very unusual – by my standards, anyway. I went to the maul this afternoon to pick something up from the bookshop. I was in a hurry, so I ran up the escalators and slipped between two guys who were in the way. Unfortunately, the cable from my headphones caught on a… {read more}

The word “gibberish” is derived from an alchemist by the name of Geber, who wrote all his findings down in a nonsense language only he understood. That language was subsequently named “Geberish”. I love trivia. Meanwhile the third trilogy of the griffin series, which is titled The Southern Star, will be going to acquisitions sometime… {read more}