Author Archives: KJT
I’m happy to announce that last night I finished the final proofread on The Shadowed Throne. It’s 438 pages long, and the Australian edition will be printed in the same large format as The Shadow’s Heir. I’m pretty happy with it – it’s got battle scenes, and some interesting new characters. In March, the month… {read more}

Today, the 20th of January, is a special day. What day is that? My birthday, of course! I’ve just turned 27 years old, and I’m somehow still alive. What a ghastly thought. This year I finally caved in and asked for an e-reader. I’m an old-fashioned girl at heart, and I’ll always love printed books,… {read more}

Well, I can now say that I’ve finally seen Nightwish live in concert – something I’ve wanted to do for years. It was freaking amazing. I slapped myself on the leg in time to the beat, and did it so hard I gave myself a huge swollen bruise, which is still there. Afterwards I was… {read more}

Today two astonishing things happened. (It’s odd how things tend to happen all at once; I can go for weeks or months without a single really exciting thing happening, and then two of ’em happen on the same day). First, I’m delighted to announce that I’ve just been formally invited to be a guest at… {read more}

This Friday I’m going to Sydney to see my favourite band, Nightwish, live in concert. Yes, of course I’m going to wear my Nightwish t-shirt. Duh! If you’ve never listened to Nightwish before, here’s a link to one of their songs that’s particularly good. I love the violin solo in the middle especially (Side note:… {read more}

So there goes 2012, and the world didn’t end after all. I really don’t know why so many people are so keen for that to happen – if you don’t want to wait for the afterlife, then go jump off a bridge or something. All in all I’d say 2012 was a good year. I’m… {read more}

I’ve just come back from my usual seaside holiday for the festive season, which was a lot of fun. Unfortunately I fell into a lagoon and ruined my cherished MP3 player, but that was the only mishap, and I’m pleased to report that I did accomplish something other than opening presents and going for unexpected… {read more}

Today Penguin sent me some copies of the US edition of Shadow’s Heir – I’ve photographed the two different editions together. As you can see, this time around the Australian edition completely dwarfs the US one – but don’t worry; the contents are the same! The fact that my personal copies have arrived means that… {read more}

Today is a very exciting day! I have now been given permission to share the cover of the next book, The Shadowed Throne, which is of course the sequel to Shadow’s Heir. This includes the back cover, so now you can read the blurb!

This morning I started work on book eleven, which I have now titled The Serpent’s Coils. Now let’s all see how long it takes me to finish it!