Author Archives: KJT
Following my usual custom shortly before the release of a new book, I have begun posting prequel stories on my LiveJournal. Here’s the first instalment of the latest one!

I got my notarised passport copy back from Sydney today. Now I just have to mail everything off to the IRS. Joy! Today I also got a royalty statement from my agent, and I can now tell you that the RRP for the next three books will be $27.26 (yes, they give you royalty information… {read more}

All right, as promised in my last post, it’s time to share an extract from my new project! Unfortunately it’s too long to post here without it being incredibly cumbersome, so if you’re interested you can see it here on my LiveJournal instead. But you can comment here if you like. I hope you like… {read more}

Okay, everyone, a quick question for you. Realising that my publishers and agents all want me to stick with fantasy for adults, but also aware that it’s not good to keep all your eggs in one basket, I decided that I’d better make sure that those eggs aren’t all griffin eggs (did I just strain… {read more}

Today, here in Australia, it’s Mother’s Day – possibly an adaptation of a British religious festival dedicated to the Virgin Mary, or possibly a feminist creation taken over by the greeting cards industry. Either way, in my opinion it’s both good and right to have a day to celebrate one of the most important people… {read more}

Hi everyone. I’m afraid you’ve missed out on a long, slightly rambly post about Understanding Your Characters that I started writing this morning, because I ran out of steam and got bored with the whole thing. So I’ll boil it down to the very, very short version: I was watching this video, and that got… {read more}

Regular readers may recall that some time ago I began a new series for young adult readers, in which the first three installments were titled Scales, Claws and Spikes. You may also recall that though my agents and publisher thought the first installment was pretty good (despite not being able to agree on what age… {read more}

As you know, this week The Shadow’s Heir goes to the printer’s. This week I also had a horrible time at work. Customer service means always having to say you’re sorry, even when you didn’t do anything wrong. In the meantime, here is a stuffed werewolf I made. It turned out to be quite difficult… {read more}

And now, another stuffed griffin. Two in one day! Boy did you guys get lucky. This one isn’t so nice to look at, though, but that was intentional. Meet Skarratt, the four-winged dwarf griffin you may remember if you read The Creature. She’s been lying around my room for a while with no wings, but… {read more}

Last week I got a happy email and phone call from my new editor Deonie, who had just received the “welcome to being my editor” gift I sent her. But before I mailed it off I took pictures, so here you go! This is Kraego (sitting on my messy desk, if you’re wondering). And believe… {read more}