Author Archives: KJT
It is with great regret that I announce that Satalyte Publishing, the publisher that produced Tales of Cymria and The Last Guard and was under contract for two further novels by me has shut down. The rights for all four books have reverted to me, and I am currently trying to find a new home… {read more}

Custom cover art merchandise is now available – find a link on our brand new “Merchandise” page! Expect more to follow! (I already bought my Last Guard t-shirt, and it’s fantastic).

The next installment of the Cymrian Saga, The Last Guard, is now available for preorder! Release date is the 30th of September, so you won’t have to wait long!

It’s official! The next book of The Cymrian Saga, The Last Guard, will be launched at Gleebooks in Sydney, on the 7th of October 2016, starting at 6:30pm. Everyone is welcome! And yes, there will be free food.

Listen to me read the first chapter of the next installment of the Cymrian Saga!

More good news! I have recently teamed up with a new publishing company which is currently setting up in Queensland, and they will be publishing my novel The Price of Magic later this year. Want an advance copy? All you have to do is donate!

Miss me? I know I did. I’ve just been interviewed by the lovely Tsana Dolichva as part of her Author Snapshot series of interviews!

I’m very pleased to report that after a few hiccups, the publication of the next three books of the Cymrian Saga is going ahead! Editing on the first volume is now complete, and we’ll shortly begin the publicity campaign. Stop by the official Facebook page for the series for regular updates!

Surprise! I’m back with another blog post! Sometimes Facebook just doesn’t cut it, and especially when you want to write something a bit longer. Unfortunately, the next trilogy of the Cymrian Saga has been delayed thanks to the publisher going on temporary hiatus. Rest assured that if the company does fall through for whatever reason,… {read more}

I am delighted to inform you that the next three installments of the Cymrian Saga, the trilogy known as The Southern Star, is now under contract with Satalyte Publishing! The first book is currently being edited, and covers and internal illustrations for all three books will be provided by the brilliant Amber Goodhart. The Southern… {read more}