Author Archives: KJT

Not only that, but really good fanart! Having received this last night, this morning I’m sitting on the edge of my chair, breakfast forgotten, about to run out the door to my writing place so I can get to work on the next book featuring Arenadd – rather than the one I’m supposed to be… {read more}

So the Big Day is here – and now it’s time for some details on my other upcoming project! And here we go. Ambit Afterman is the Chosen One. Born with the mark of the silver bellflower on his palm and given a magical spear, he is the one whose coming the prophecy foretold. When… {read more}

Well, Christmas has finally come down on all our heads for another year – and now it’s time for me to give you, my readers, your present from me. Here it is – my big news which I’ve been sitting on for over a month. Last week I signed a contract with my friends at… {read more}

Happy Remembrance Day, everybody. I wondered if “happy” was an appropriate word to use here, and finally decided that it was. I know that if I had laid down my life for the sake of future generations, I’d want them to be happy about it. Knowing they were enjoying what I gave them would be… {read more}

I have just created a Facebook page especially for the griffin series – which really needs an overall title, now I think about it. Please do stop by!

Having joined Twitter, I have also now joined Facebook. All future news announcements will be made there and the “news” page on the website will be retired. Feel free to friend me or “like” my posts, and all that other Facebook carry-on. Meanwhile the website will be used to list information about the books rather… {read more}

After grumpily resisting the notion for a very long time, I now have a Twitter account. My username is WorldStitcher if you want to look me up.

This launch is open to the public – anyone can come. Just be sure to RSVP!

That’s it. It’s done. The series is finished. A couple of minutes ago I wrote the final words of the final book. It came in at 195 pages – slightly short, but I write my books to be as long as they need to be. I don’t really know what to say now. I know… {read more}