Category Archives: Blog

Katie’s personal musings

Happy New Year!

So there goes 2012, and the world didn’t end after all. I really don’t know why so many people are so keen for that to happen – if you don’t want to wait for the afterlife, then go jump off a bridge or something. All in all I’d say 2012 was a good year. I’m… {read more}

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The Price of Magic

I’ve just come back from my usual seaside holiday for the festive season, which was a lot of fun. Unfortunately I fell into a lagoon and ruined my cherished MP3 player, but that was the only mishap, and I’m pleased to report that I did accomplish something other than opening presents and going for unexpected… {read more}

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Christmas Grumbles

Random remark for the day: I hate Christmas carols. This may be why I’m going to my office Christmas party next week dressed as the Grinch. What I did not hate, though, was Rise of the Guardians, which I watched this morning. It was a fun movie, and beautifully animated too. Dreamworks is really producing… {read more}

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A Picture of Me

Here is a picture of me as a toddler. As you can see, I got into reading at an early age.

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Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, everybody! Given the fact that it’s to do with monsters and dead people I should approve of Halloween a lot more than I do, but in reality I find it vaguely annoying. Here in Australia it’s considered an “American” holiday (despite the fact that it probably originated in the UK), so a lot… {read more}

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The Next Big Thing

Okay, so apparently this is some kind of meme, which my friend Ingrid Jonach showed me. But it’s the non-annoying kind of meme, so I’ll do it! And since it’s been a while since The Shadow’s Heir came out, I’ve elected to write about its sequel. So some hopefully exciting teasers follow! What is the… {read more}

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Goodbye, Raekal

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, but I prefer not to unless I’ve got something relevant to say. Today, I have a small piece of news, which may be slightly disappointing to some. Some time ago on this site, I made a post saying how I was considering writing a trilogy in the… {read more}

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Happy Springday!

Hey everyone, and happy Springday! Today (in Australia, at least), is the first day of Spring. In Cymria that day is known as Springday, and it’s a happy day of celebration for all Southerners, who believe that it represents the day on which Gryphus (the sun) returns to bring life back to the world. So… {read more}

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Sydney Adventures

As mentioned earlier, I’ve recently come back from a short trip to Sydney. I had a great time – saw Batman Rises in IMAX, and on opening day no less. I love these new Batman movies; the Nolan brothers are men after my own heart. I also, while slightly lost in Glebe, came across this.

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Arenadd’s Rap Sheet

Just for fun, I thought I’d make a list of our hero/villain’s numerous crimes. Lady Elkin had quite a lot to go through at the beginning of Griffin’s War, and this was before the war. Let me know if I missed anything out – either way, I don’t think there’s a court that would try… {read more}

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