Author Archives: KJT
Today I adopted a second rat to be Puzzle’s cagemate. He’s also a male, of course, and where Puzzle is a teenager by rat standards, the new guy is just a baby. The size difference between them is pretty striking, which is why I’ve been referring to them as “the Fach and the Fawr”, which… {read more}

While I was at the Supanova in Melbourne I recorded a video interview with Dark Matter fanzine, which I very much enjoyed doing. Now, after some editing, that interview is available for you to see for yourself. There’s also an accompanying article, which has been impressively well-researched (I knew people would be put off by… {read more}

I have now started book thirteen and am getting through it at an alarming rate. In the meantime, the publisher is currently looking at trilogy number three so there should be some news on that front within the next month or so. Here is a picture of me aged five, playing with a snake. I… {read more}

Today I adopted a new rat, who I have named Puzzle. Here is a picture of him looking nervous in his new cage. On a related note, this is my current backdrop. Most people would probably find this picture horrifying, but to me it’s the equivalent of a basket of fuzzy kittens. There’s no accounting… {read more}

Today I finished book twelve, The Serpent’s Bite, which is the final installment of the Eastern Horizon trilogy, aka trilogy number four. I finished it in about two and a half months, which is pretty good by my standards. It clocked in at 120, 618 words and 208 pages, though of course that might change… {read more}

So April is over, and the cons are done with, and I can finally rest – and do some writing again, which is just as well, because the substantive edit for The Shadow’s Heart is due back this month. Three cons. Two Supanovas, and a Conflux/Natcon to follow. How do I sum it all up?… {read more}

Back from the Gold Coast Supanova, utterly exhausted but very happy. This whole month has been an absolute blast. I’ll be writing up a full report later, once I’m fully awake. In the meantime, because it only happened a moment ago and I just had to brag share it with someone: I just won a… {read more}

Thanks to steadily rising postage prices, I regret to inform everybody that I will no longer be selling my books on eBay. It now costs AUS$30 to send a single book to the US, which is beyond ludicrous, and I’m unwilling to sell to anyone else because it would be unfair to my American fans.… {read more}

As always, the speeches from the last launch party have been recorded and are now available for your listening pleasure.

Forget March – April is Crazy Month. So much has happened in it already that I haven’t had the time to post about it here, and I don’t have time to do it in detail now. So for the time being, a quick summary. The launch party on t he 8th went down very well… {read more}