Author Archives: KJT
I am now 77 pages into The Darkest Hour, the fifteenth and final book of the series. This is easily one of the biggest books I’ve written – not in terms of length (at this point I don’t know how long it’ll be), but in terms of storytelling scale. There are about five different simultaneous… {read more}

I forgot to mention it before, but January 1st is also the official release date for the US edition of Shadowed Throne! The book should now be available in all good bookshops in the US and Canada. I hope you like it!

Well, that’s 2013 done and finished. Now for 2014, with more books, more scripts, and more crazy escapades! I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions but I do believe in making resolutions in general. The most recent one I made was to try more recipes, partly because of all the cookbooks I got given for… {read more}

Well, I had a good Christmas, and I hope you all did too. Now it’s New Year’s eve, so more partying is in store! I shall be back here later to post a New Year’s message, which may contain spelling errors depending on how much champagne I’ve had. For now I have an exciting announcement:… {read more}

Well, I know it’s not Christmas Day yet, but as I’ll be going away for the customary family holiday soon, I’m putting up my official Christmas message now. 2013 has been a year of change for me. I’ve now been in my new job for over a year, and a few weeks ago I had… {read more}

The word “privacy” is most likely derived from “privy” – an old word for “toilet”. ~KJT, pleasantly tired after a Christmas BBQ

Well, it’s that time again. The Shadow’s Heart is only a month or two away from release, and as an early Christmas present for everybody, here are the customary teasers. Hopefully they’ll pique some interest! Five major characters will die Three children will be conceived, and two will be born We will find out more… {read more}

I’ve been getting an awful lot of parcels lately – is it Christmas or something? In any case, my last parcel contained the advance copies of The Shadowed Throne – American edition. They look great – I really like the colour scheme. If you want to see it for yourself, it’s already up on the… {read more}

This week I received my author copies of The Shadow’s Heart – the final installment in the Risen Sun trilogy. It’s so cool to see all three volumes together the way they were meant to be, and the cover is a nice one, too. Here is a still life I took of the trilogy on… {read more}

Well, it’s been a while since I promised it, but I’ve finally done it: a new short prequel story has just gone up on the Short Stories page. This particular story is set a very long way back, and tells the tale of one of the first griffins ever to choose a human, as well… {read more}