Category Archives: News

News about Katie and her books

Book 11

This morning I started work on book eleven, which I have now titled The Serpent’s Coils. Now let’s all see how long it takes me to finish it!

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K.J.Taylor, Master of Libraries

As anyone who’s read my books will have noticed, every Eyrie in Cymria is governed by a Council which is made up of senior griffiners. Every griffiner is referred to as a Lord or Lady just by virtue of being a griffiner, but once they’ve obtained an official position they are given the title of… {read more}

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Book 5

I’ve just finished the copyedit on book 5, The Shadowed Throne. I can now reveal that once it’s in print it will be about 410 pages long – not a bad length overall. Now I can get on with book 11. That one has giant dogs in it. Really. If someone asks, I’d be happy… {read more}

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The End of The Cursed Guard

It is now just before the stroke of midnight, and I have just finished writing book 9, The Cursed Guard. It’s a tad on the short side, but it’ll be a long time before that becomes an issue. For now, all that matters is that I’ve told the story as I wanted to tell it,… {read more}

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The End

Today I finished book ten in the griffin series. It’s the first instalment of the fourth trilogy, which I’ve retitled The Eastern Horizon (trilogy number four was originally going to be  called The Open Sky) . The book itself is called The Serpent’s Skull (this title may of course be changed later on, but for… {read more}

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The Grand Opening

I have a problem. Okay, I have several problems, but one of them is this: I love making toys. I design them and sew them, and I’m always getting new ideas for what to make next. But then I never know what to do with them afterwards. Sometimes I give them away or sell them… {read more}

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Conventions and Elections

Despite being a naturally opinionated person, I don’t have strong political opinions of any kind, and generally try and stay out of that kind of discussion. But even I’m not completely oblivious, so I do at least know that the American presidential election took place today. Last night I had a dream that I met… {read more}

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The American Edition of Shadow’s Heir

The American edition of The Shadow’s Heir is now available for preorder on Amazon, which also says that the book is due for release in December – earlier than I thought. So go ahead and order away if you’re keen – the American cover is particularly nice! I have also now updated the Short Stories… {read more}

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Lu Rees, Bob Graham, (and me!) on the News

As I’ve mentioned earlier I recently got a new job managing an archive. What I didn’t mention, though, is why I decided to become an archivist in the first place. Well, here’s why. I had decided I would be well suited to a job as a librarian, and so went back to my old university… {read more}

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Short Stories Are Go!

I’m pleased to announce that the site now features a new page which I will be using to archive my short “prequel” stories, which were previously posted on my LiveJournal. Now that the LJ no longer exists, you’ll be able to read those stories here on the site. Only one has been uploaded so far,… {read more}

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