Author Archives: KJT
Random remark for the day: I hate Christmas carols. This may be why I’m going to my office Christmas party next week dressed as the Grinch. What I did not hate, though, was Rise of the Guardians, which I watched this morning. It was a fun movie, and beautifully animated too. Dreamworks is really producing… {read more}

As anyone who’s read my books will have noticed, every Eyrie in Cymria is governed by a Council which is made up of senior griffiners. Every griffiner is referred to as a Lord or Lady just by virtue of being a griffiner, but once they’ve obtained an official position they are given the title of… {read more}

I’ve just finished the copyedit on book 5, The Shadowed Throne. I can now reveal that once it’s in print it will be about 410 pages long – not a bad length overall. Now I can get on with book 11. That one has giant dogs in it. Really. If someone asks, I’d be happy… {read more}

It is now just before the stroke of midnight, and I have just finished writing book 9, The Cursed Guard. It’s a tad on the short side, but it’ll be a long time before that becomes an issue. For now, all that matters is that I’ve told the story as I wanted to tell it,… {read more}

Here is a picture of me as a toddler. As you can see, I got into reading at an early age.

Today I finished book ten in the griffin series. It’s the first instalment of the fourth trilogy, which I’ve retitled The Eastern Horizon (trilogy number four was originally going to be called The Open Sky) . The book itself is called The Serpent’s Skull (this title may of course be changed later on, but for… {read more}

I have a problem. Okay, I have several problems, but one of them is this: I love making toys. I design them and sew them, and I’m always getting new ideas for what to make next. But then I never know what to do with them afterwards. Sometimes I give them away or sell them… {read more}

Despite being a naturally opinionated person, I don’t have strong political opinions of any kind, and generally try and stay out of that kind of discussion. But even I’m not completely oblivious, so I do at least know that the American presidential election took place today. Last night I had a dream that I met… {read more}

Happy Halloween, everybody! Given the fact that it’s to do with monsters and dead people I should approve of Halloween a lot more than I do, but in reality I find it vaguely annoying. Here in Australia it’s considered an “American” holiday (despite the fact that it probably originated in the UK), so a lot… {read more}

The American edition of The Shadow’s Heir is now available for preorder on Amazon, which also says that the book is due for release in December – earlier than I thought. So go ahead and order away if you’re keen – the American cover is particularly nice! I have also now updated the Short Stories… {read more}